The terrace inn logo has a flower and two birds on it.




Our History


The Terrace Inn was built during the fall and winter of 1910 and 1911 by Indiana Banker, William DeVol. The building replaced a cottage known as the Nash House that had been used as a restaurant. Mr. DeVol had the cottage razed and started construction of a new hotel in October of 1910. By June 1, 1911 it was ready for occupancy and was named the Terrace Inn. An advertisement of the time stated, “Electric lights and bells. Hot and cold baths on each floor. hot water heat. Good closets. Rates 2.25 to 3.50 per day.”

The hotel had 40 guest rooms, a kitchen, dining room, and lobby much the same as it is today. The exception was an open two-story balcony over part of the kitchen and the present stairway. 

Mr. DeVol operated The Terrace Inn until his death in 1938. Mrs. DeVol and her son-in-law continued the business until 1942. The Inn has changed hands several times since then, with each owner adding their own improvements and changes to the hotel, while maintaining its historic and timeless appeal.

About the Inn

A group of people are gathered in front of the terrace inn bay view michigan

Our History


The Terrace Inn is known to have a haunted history. According to a well-placed rumor, the inn is haunted by the spirits of two workers who died when a beam fell on them during construction work. Ghosts have been seen, heard, and felt by several guests and employees.

Many paranormal investigations have taken place here while the psychics, sensitivities, and others with extrasensory abilities have filled in the missing pieces of the spirits inhabiting the inn.

We do not want you to worry as no strong references for the paranormal presence, or other negative experiences have been observed. However, if you tend to live dangerously, we recommend you stay in Room 211, which, at times, has had "unusual activity."

The Inn's Haunted History

A silhouette of a person standing in a doorway in a dark room.

Book your historic stay at the Terrace Inn

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