The Terrace Inn is known to have a haunted history. According to a well-placed rumor, the inn is haunted by the spirits of two workers who died when a beam fell on them during construction work. Ghosts have been seen, heard, and felt by several guests and employees.

Many paranormal investigations have taken place here while the psychics, sensitivities, and others with extrasensory abilities have filled in the missing pieces of the spirits inhabiting the inn.

All the accounts are similar, written from strangers over a span of 25 years experiences ranging from seeing shadows of a man, hearing footsteps, and the sounds of a party even when the hotel is vacant.

We do not want you to worry as no strong references for the paranormal presence, or other negative experiences have been observed. However, if you tend to live dangerously, we recommend you stay in Room 211, which, at times, has had "unusual activity."